Saturday, July 26, 2008

New 'Do!

I should preface this post by telling you that I am constantly on the lookout for the perfect haircut. Once I think I've found it, the trouble has always been finding the perfect stylist to make my dream a reality.

I've lived in NC for three years now, and still I am a serial salon hopper. I miss Ann, my wonderful stylist in Belmont, Massachusetts who gave me my pixie cut ten years ago.

I have searched high and low in North Carolina for someone to replace her, but have always been disappointed. I have had the $18 haircut, the $150 haircut, color in a bottle, foil highlights, all-over color... and like my man Bono, I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

The last color I had left me with blond zebra stripes if my part got two inches out of place. I naturally have dark reddish brown hair, so this did not look good. It also cost me $200 to look like that. Ouch.

Last week, I bought several hair-do mags for inspiration. I dog-ear every cut or color that I like. As I read the salon credits in fine print, I hit the floor! The salon was only 10 miles away! I made the appointment with Luis, the genius stylist behind the glamorous cuts in the magazines.

My appointment was this morning and Luis did not disappoint! He talked with me, looked at my pictures, told me what he wanted to do... and two and a half hours later... voila! I am a new me! I think I can finally make a commitment to Luis. He is my new best friend.

If anyone lives within a day's drive away, please visit Luis Rios at the Douglas Caroll Salon in North Raleigh. And keep an eye out for his new website that yours truly might have the pleasure of designing! ;-)

XO, Kelly

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our Summer So Far

Besides getting several sites live and working on a few more, I have been having a great summer with the kids. We've been to Carolina Beach, had our Boston cousins visit us, road-tripped to Virginia to visit family and Pennsylvania! Since so many of my wonderful clients have been asking for pictures, here you go... :-)

Here is Anya and cousin Jayden in Pennsylvania. We were visiting my Papa who lives in the country in Pennsylvania, near Gettysburg. Down the road from his house is this fabulous old cemetary. This ancient tree fell sometime in the past year. Isn't it beautiful?

My poor Jack was so overwhelmed by our trip. He was very clingy to me the whole week, but he took to my Papa (who by the way is my favorite person in my entire family!) and actually didn't cry when he held him. It was sweet relief for me!
Look at this cutie pie! He's such a stinker, it's just a good think he's so cute!

My little Mr. GQ:

We were so happy to have cousins Elizabeth and Patricia visit us from Boston! Here are Anya and Patricia, the best of friends!
And Elizabeth and Jack had fun crawling around together too!

Here are Anya and Jayden again. Anya is so fortunate to have two cousins her same age! I wish we all lived closer!

Here is Anya wearing her birthday dress from Seems Dreams Boutique. You've got to check out her boutique! She sells the cutest girlie-girl dresses!
This is our favorite dress from Wendy at Seems Dreams Boutique! And my little girl is such a model, isn't she! Always posing for the camera! Her preschool teacher calls her a "diva"!
Anya absolutely loved the beach! Carolina Beach was beautiful. Let's just hope they don't start drilling for oil off the Carolina Coast!
While Anya played, Jack ate sand.
Look at that hair! Anya has beautiful curly hair that just got curlier in the sea air. I wish you could see more of her precious dress. It's a gorgeous custom-made wrap dress from Lily's Suitcase. As someone who has made clothing before, I can tell you that Patricia not only has beautiful and original designs, but her work is impeccable!

Thank you for looking at my pictures. Now it's back to work for me! I'll be updating my portfolio soon! I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!