I have finally launched my new and improved website... please have a look!
I'm also working on my blog, so please ignore my mess....
~ Kelly
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sad News
Last week my Aunt Denise, who is Grandma Dolly's daughter, passed away abruptly. She went to the hospital with pneumonia and they found cancer in most of her vital organs. She passed within five days of going into the hospital. Apparently, she'd had the cancer for practically a year but didn't know because she never went to the doctor. Note to self and to everyone: don't miss your yearly physical and go to the doctor when you feel something's not right.
I only saw my Aunt Denise about once a year since I've been an adult, but I always remember her as a sweet, thoughtful and creative person. She always had some sort of craft-making things for us kids whenever she saw us.
Her death has shook me. Not only am I sad for her passing, I am reminded of the losses of two of my closest relatives, my Grandma Ginger and my cousin Heather. Gram was Sioux and had such an interesting life, to say the least. She had traveled the world, married three times, and thought the world of Heather and I. My parents always pushed me to do better, but Gram was always proud of me unconditionally, and wasn't afraid to tell me. Her sudden death still leaves a void in my soul.
Heather was only 27 when she died six years ago. She died the summer of my wedding. She was supposed to be my Maid of Honor. She was coming home from a night out and was hit by a drunk driver. He flew right through a red light and hit the passenger side of the car she was in. She was the passenger. She died right on the street less than 1/2 mile from her house. It was right in front of the park that we played at when we were little and had driven by practically every day. I can no longer drive by that park.
Although her death was six years ago this summer, I still feel like it was just yesterday. We grew up together, and she was more of a sister than a cousin. Our mom's are identical twins and we looked alot alike. Of course, she was the "pretty one" and I was the "smart one." It's never fun to be the smart one!
Grandma's birthday is my birthday, August 28th, and Heather's is August 29th. It's a sad month for me, even though I'm also celebrating my wedding anniversary. I happened to be home the night of the accident, visiting my parents. I was there to try on my wedding dress. We had already ordered Heather's dress.
After her death, I couldn't bear to have my original wedding. So, with the help of my parents we canceled my big wedding in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. I was married in the Bahamas with just immediate families and two college friends. I found out later that Heather's dream was to be married in the Bahamas.
Heather's picture is on my desk and I think of her daily.
Thank you to all of my clients who have been so understanding about my needing some time off. My parents actually came to visit this past week for the first time in a year! It was so good to see them and my nephew, Jayden. Anya had so much fun.
So, I'm back to work and will be returning emails and calls this week.
~ Kelly