Thursday, April 17, 2008

Family Pictures

Anyone have that experience of trying to get a decent picture of your children together, in cute outfits, in the right light, in the right location... and it never turns out quite right? I know I should hire a photographer, but I am a do-it-yourself'er kinda girl and very stubborn so I haven't done it yet. Anyway, you spend all this time trying to get the perfect picture for the grandparents, and it just doesn't happen! Then, as we were leaving for soccer practice yesterday, I thought I would snap a couple of pictures... within seconds I had the best picture of Anya I've had in about 6 months!

I was SO happy to get this precious picture of my almost-4-yr-old, Anya... I just had to share it! She actually let me do her hair!
And then there are the usual pictures I have of Jack and Anya together...

Thanks for looking!
~ Kelly

Monday, April 14, 2008


Besides chasing my newly-crawling little Jack and answering Anya's "But WHY Mommy?", I have been feeling pretty creative lately! I was contacted to do a princess illustration for a new client and I think I'm on to something! So much fun!

Anya has been loving my new designs so much she has been sitting next to me watching me work. I printed out this little princess on cardstock for her. We cut it out and now she's been using it as a paperdoll.

Hmmm, now what to do with these? Children's boutique web sites?

~ Kelly

Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Unlimited Editions

Who isn't on a budget these days? Now there's no excuse not to have a great website!

My new Unlimited Edition websites-to-go are only $48 each and come in many different colors for every boutique business. They include all the features of their more expensive counterparts such as installation, customer support and custom headers.

Polka dots or stripes, each features a very Paris chic boutique black and white stripe awning with sign that is customized with your business name and tagline.

If you'd like to further customize one of these websites with additional artwork or a different font, just contact me for a quote.

Friday, April 4, 2008

eBay Update

Thank you to everyone who purchased before the March 31st deadline!

However, ebay has yet to pull down my listings so my ebay store is still up as of now. *Sigh*. I am not taking my listings down yet because as part of this new policy, ebay has agreed to end listings and refund seller fees. So I'm waiting for my refund and not shutting down based on principle.

~ Kelly