Saturday, December 13, 2008

Latest Custom Project

Matina, proprietor of Lil' Moo contacted me with a rather peculiar request. She wanted her logo to include a calf hatching from an egg! Plus, she needed a web design that was adorable, precious, upscale and one of a kind for her boutique.

I quickly determined that a computer drawn graphic was not going to convey the proper image, so I dug out my watercolor paints. Yes, I love to paint! I just haven't had much time for it since motherhood and my full-time business took over my life.

The end result was the cutest baby cow emerging from a beautiful blue egg. The rest of the design involved a faded polka dot pink background, also done in watercolor by me. I then added stars, ribbon, roses and eyelet borders. Ahhh, just truly precious! I am so proud of this one.

Matina's boutique business offers custom, handmade clothing for little girls and beautiful one of a kind boutique bedding. Her work is exquisite! Original, gorgeous, I just can't say enough about her products! So, please check out her website:!

I hav a few more custom sites to add to my portfolio, hopefully I'll get to it before Christmas!

Take care!
~ Kelly

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