Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Anya

My little baby girl turned five today! What a wonderful, painful, happy and hectic five years it's been! I can still remember the day she was born. It was such a traumatic birth that ended with an emergency c-section. We were so scared that she wouldn't be ok. But, from the minute she was born I knew she was my angel. She hardly ever cried, slept nonstop and smiled when she was awake. I would put her in the sling and take her everywhere... out to eat at restaurants, to Redskins games, NYC, the park....

Today she is still a dream come true. She plays well by herself and with other kids, loves the beach, is usually sweet to her brother and tells me I'm her "best good mommy in the whole world." I tell her that when she was in my belly I dreamt about what a sweet angel she would be, and how she is even more perfect to me than I ever dreamed.

Happy Birthday, my sweet five-year-old girl.

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